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Java Aspects Addon/Mod

Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 / Mods 1.18 / Mods 1.17 / Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.13.1 / Textures

Java Aspects is a special mod for improving the Mobile Minecraft Bedrock to make it more similar to the Java version.

The mod changes a lot of textures and animations of blocks, objects, mobs, nature and other game aspects. Everything is done to bring the Bedrock version closer to Java. Below is a huge list of changes and of course a few screenshots. Download and enjoy the game with the Java Aspects add-on. This is a very popular mod among gamers.

Feature List


Block Animations:





- Download McPack
- Use the Minecraft Bedrock
- Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
- Select new textures in the settings;
- Done.

javaaspects6_0_0.mcpack [11.7 Mb] (downloads: 85)
javaaspectsitemicons1_0_0.mcpack [161.17 Kb] (downloads: 38)

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Comments (4)

  1. why doesnt it work?
    Rose Rose 8 April 2021 17:51 Reply
  2. i have minecraft education edition  and it didnt work
    Rose Rose 8 April 2021 17:51 Reply
  3. {Minecraft text}
    M.P.Amith Dananjaya M.P.Amith Dananjaya 23 November 2024 19:28 Reply
  4. Why doesnt it work
    M.P.Amith Dananjaya M.P.Amith Dananjaya 23 November 2024 19:29 Reply

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