Fused's Falling Leaves Minecraft Addon
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Fused's Falling Leaves Addon

Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 / Mods 1.18 / Mods 1.17 / Mods 1.16

Fused's Falling Leaves Addon a new realistic feature - falling leaves from trees in Minecraft Bedrock. Look at the video for how it looks. Falling leaves animation adds realism and more beauty to the game world. Use it, I'm sure you will like it!


— Download Mod
— Use the Minecraft
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Done.

fusedsfallingleaves2_5.mcaddon [3.43 Mb] (downloads: 72)
fflbp2_5.mcpack [1.9 Mb] (downloads: 18)
fflrp2_5.mcpack [1.64 Mb] (downloads: 12)

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Comments (2)

  1. i love this 
    jose jose 19 May 2021 10:11 Reply
  2. {text}i need to have this because the other minecraft hurts my brain
    Ryley short Ryley short 13 February 2023 15:42 Reply

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