Zombie Apocalypse Minecraft Map
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Zombie Apocalypse Map

Adventure Maps / Creation Maps / Minigame Maps / Survival Maps / Modded Maps

Zombie Apocalypse Map with a moded mini-game Zombie Apocalypse for Minecraft Bedrock. The moded map includes new types of zombies and 3D weapons. The map supports multiplayer up to 40 players and 11 different game modes.

How to install?
Android: use ES Explorer to find mcworld in the download folder. Click on a file to import it inside.
Versions of Windows 10: Go to your downloads folder and find mcworld. Click on the document to add it to the client.
IOS: as soon as they clicked on the Download button below, the device will offer to open it.

apocalypse_map_v1_2_by_juliusscizzor.mcworld [25.27 Mb] (downloads: 1172)

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Comments (7)

  1. Zombie Apocalypse Map {text}trerhyfgyyu
    Teagen Teagen 9 December 2021 15:40 Reply
  2. {text} add another button than that green button cause i cant download this map for some from my google protection when i click that green button so add another way to download and i really want to play on it
    text text 29 December 2021 09:20 Reply
  3. Quote: text
    {text} add another button than that green button cause i cant download this map for some from my google protection when i click that green button so add another way to download and i really want to play on it

    link media-fire... I don't know why Google swears
    skay4eg skay4eg 31 December 2021 04:03 Reply
  4. {text} Is it okay if you work on one more Jojo's Bizarre Adventure game?
    Kirito Kirito 2 January 2022 13:43 Reply
  5. how do you reload the guns

    m3l m3l 1 March 2022 13:11 Reply
  6. how do you even update the new one
    Brandon Brandon 19 May 2022 21:21 Reply
  7. {text}how do I reload my gun on pocket edition if I already have the ammo for it
    How do I reload the gun How do I reload the gun 18 April 2023 05:52 Reply

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