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Secret Underground House Map

Maps / Creation Maps

Secret Underground House Map will give you the opportunity to get your own home. It is underground and has 3 floors below. There are 5 rooms, one huge and 4 smaller. The entrance to the base is disguised and it is not realistic for the enemy to find it. Just when the player comes up with a key to him, the door in the ground will open. See screenshots and video for how it works. It even has an underground farm and vegetable garden. You will be provided with everything you need to survive underground.


How to install?
Android: use ES Explorer to find mcworld in the download folder. Click on a file to import it inside.
Versions of Windows 10: Go to your downloads folder and find mcworld. Click on the document to add it to the client.
IOS: as soon as they clicked on the Download button below, the device will offer to open it.

secret_underground_house-v2_2.mcworld [1.77 Mb] (downloads: 151)

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Comments (1)

  1. {text}Good
    Jake Jake 16 February 2024 04:30 Reply

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