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Woodland Lodge | Rustic House Map

Maps / Creation Maps

Hello dear guest of the site, I am pleased to present you a very popular and successful home map. I am sure you will like it too. Find out all the details and details about her below.

Map with a rustic country house with excellent interiors and a beautiful courtyard. The mansion has two bedrooms, office, one main bedroom, attic, living room, toilet, kitchen, dining room. All rooms are furnished and decorated. Created by KTR Builds, IKMLRD and Mercifultiger21 for all Minecart mobile video game lovers. Write your comments, share your impressions and repost your friends. Download the map with the house, an excellent rural village mansion.


How to install?
Android: use ES Explorer to find mcworld in the download folder. Click on a file to import it inside.
Versions of Windows 10: Go to your downloads folder and find mcworld. Click on the document to add it to the client.
IOS: as soon as they clicked on the Download button below, the device will offer to open it.

woodland-lodge.mcworld [12.76 Mb] (downloads: 1910)
woodland-lodge.zip [12.76 Mb] (downloads: 257)

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Comments (6)

  1. good map love it and dddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz nuts
    7807882 7807882 23 March 2023 16:13 Reply
  2. 👀👀👀 This map is fire my guy.
    Dang he really had to do that i see. Dang he really had to do that i see. 7 May 2023 14:39 Reply
    1. Im currently using your woodland lodge in my world & i got your build from a app soo i will be uploading my world to mcpedl with my addon including a link to other people addons & I can even leave a link to your YouTube channel & credit you if you give me permission to have your woodland mansion on my world when I upload it to mcpedl & if no permission is granted then I will have to take at least a few days removing your building & replacing it with something else & transfering loot & change it to look broken down, old & abandon looking this would also mean you won't get credit at all because they building won't be on my world

    I already written down your name on a app called color note so that way I remember (by the way i have a severe memory loss & i dont trust it with a lot of stuff, i just want you to know that) to give you credit that you deserve

    I made your woodland lodge look broken down, old & abandon because my world is a zombie apocalypse game called zombie chaos remaster with 650 new things within 1 yyear of work & I have done 1,000 things or more to my world & my only zombie addon.

    Plss respond & if you don't respond 1 of these months then I will just leave you some credits on mcpedl & leave a link to your Facebook or Twitter or YouTube account if you have any & if not then I will try something else like leaving a link to your map, I hope you will be okay with that & if your not okay with that then asked me to remove your building from my world & I will do that unless there something else I could do.

    if your not the true creator then someone plss leave a link to the real creator

    Thxs if you do that & thxs for anyone who respond to me

    Dawson johnson Dawson johnson 16 June 2023 11:58 Reply
  3. Quote: Dawson johnson
    1. Im currently using your woodland lodge in my world & i got your build from a app soo i will be uploading my world to mcpedl with my addon including a link to other people addons & I can even leave a link to your YouTube channel & credit you if you give me permission to have your woodland mansion on my world when I upload it to mcpedl & if no permission is granted then I will have to take at least a few days removing your building & replacing it with something else & transfering loot & change it to look broken down, old & abandon looking this would also mean you won't get credit at all because they building won't be on my world

    I already written down your name on a app called color note so that way I remember (by the way i have a severe memory loss & i dont trust it with a lot of stuff, i just want you to know that) to give you credit that you deserve

    I made your woodland lodge look broken down, old & abandon because my world is a zombie apocalypse game called zombie chaos remaster with 650 new things within 1 yyear of work & I have done 1,000 things or more to my world & my only zombie addon.

    Plss respond & if you don't respond 1 of these months then I will just leave you some credits on mcpedl & leave a link to your Facebook or Twitter or YouTube account if you have any & if not then I will try something else like leaving a link to your map, I hope you will be okay with that & if your not okay with that then asked me to remove your building from my world & I will do that unless there something else I could do.

    if your not the true creator then someone plss leave a link to the real creator

    Thxs if you do that & thxs for anyone who respond to me

    I allow
    skay4eg skay4eg 14 July 2023 12:01 Reply
  4. cool I like it
    Adam Adam 14 September 2023 12:41 Reply
  5. it’s very nice I think other people should use it👍👌
    Punchmade._.Khi👾 Punchmade._.Khi👾 27 September 2023 12:05 Reply

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