Present Rush Minecraft Map, 1.14.0, 1.13.1, 1.13.0
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Present Rush Map 1.13

Maps / Minigame Maps

I am glad to welcome all guests and frequent visitors to the site! It’s already December and Christmas will come soon, I want to give you a present and offer to download a cool map with a mini-game for Minecraft PE. It is designed for 2-4 players. You can call friends and have fun with them.

How to play?
Your task is very simple, there are 4 teams, and in the center is spawns present shulker shells. Collect them and put them in a box. This gives one point for a gift, their number shows the scoreboard. The team that scored the first 50 points will win

First, you can choose one of three sets:
- Assassin;
- tank;
- Swordman;
- Snowman.

How to install?
Android: use ES Explorer to find mcworld in the download folder. Click on a file to import it inside.
Versions of Windows 10: Go to your downloads folder and find mcworld. Click on the document to add it to the client.
IOS: as soon as they clicked on the Download button below, the device will offer to open it.

presentrushv1.mcworld [85.81 Kb] (downloads: 177)

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