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PG MagicPrison Map 1.12

Maps / PvP Maps

PG MagicPrison - the map is based on the popular minecraft servers rankup and prison.

The main goal of which is to collect things, mine ores, change them and increase their own level. Now, something similar will appear on a regular PVP map in the Minecraft PE game world. Download yourself an interesting project and have fun with your friends! Good luck to everyone, I’m sure you will like it.

Map contains:
PvP Mine: Mine with active combat and thighs and an obsidian mine.
Mine: General Mine

ПВП Арена! Там разрешен бой.

Score. Here you can buy or exchange useful things.

How to install?
Android: use ES Explorer to find mcworld in the download folder. Click on a file to import it inside.
Versions of Windows 10: Go to your downloads folder and find mcworld. Click on the document to add it to the client.
IOS: as soon as they clicked on the Download button below, the device will offer to open it.

pgmagicprison.mcworld [220.17 Kb] (downloads: 292)

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