Lootable Bodies Minecraft Addon
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Lootable Bodies Addon

Mods 1.12.0 / Mods 1.11.0 / Mods 1.10 / Mods 1.9 / Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.13.1 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.17

Lootable Bodies Addon (Corpses Addon) Mod will allow you to loot the corpses of dead mobs or monsters in Minecraft. Just go to the lying body of the mob, open it and take your loot. You can also push corpses and move them along the ground in this way. I'll show you how it works in the video.


— Download McPack
— Use the Minecraft 1.16
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Switch on the experimental mod;
— Done.

lootable_bodies_addon.mcaddon [7.91 Kb] (downloads: 547)
lootable_bodies_addon.zip [7.91 Kb] (downloads: 66)
lootable_bodies_behavior.zip [4.34 Kb] (downloads: 56)
lootable_bodies_resource.zip [3.6 Kb] (downloads: 47)

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Comments (1)

  1. This is BBC News reporter Ben brown we are here today with MCPE mods for mine-craft education kids have found away to bypass minecraft education and make it the updated and new version and ive also been able to find out that I FUCKING HATE THIS GODDAMN JOB I QUIT
    BBC News BBC News 29 November 2021 08:45 Reply

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