Hardmode+ Minecraft PE Addon/Mod 1.16
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Hardmode+ Addon/Mod 1.16

Mods / Mods 1.16

Hardmode + Addon for real madmen and those who want to complicate their survival in the Minecraft Bedrock game world!

Already from the name of the mod it is clear that the game should become more complicated. I’ll tell you about this now. How does a mod work and what does it change? Hardmode + Addon complicates some mobs, making them stronger, and drop worse. Also, all armor will not be as effective as before. Now they will do more damage. Why do you need such changes? Everything is very simple! If you are tired or very easy to survive, then download the addon and complicate your life. So it will be much more interesting.

- Download McPack
- Use the Minecraft 1.16
- Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
- Select new textures in the settings;
- Switch on the experimental mod;
- Done.

the-hardest-mode-addon_1593948604310.mcpack [205.76 Kb] (downloads: 63)

hardmode-plus_.zip [497.3 Kb] (downloads: 13)
hardmode-plus.mcaddon [497.3 Kb] (downloads: 20)

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Comments (1)

  1. {text} hmmmm I don't remember giving you permissions to upload my addon hete
    CowCraftGZ CowCraftGZ 7 November 2020 21:50 Reply

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