The Nether Variants Minecraft PE Addon/Mod,, 1.16.0, 1.15.0, 1.14.60
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The Nether Variants Addon/Mod 1.16, 1.15, 1.14

Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.15

The Nether Variants Addon will improve nezerim and add more new monsters to it.

We were all waiting for a lot of new things in Nether Update. But they got only 4 mobs. The author thought this was not enough and decided to supplement it with another 14 mobs and monsters. The addon is under development, subscribe to the site and do not miss the next updates. Look at the screenshots of how these mobs look. These will be archers, witches, pigs, skeletons, and many others. Each mob has its own characteristics and properties.

Wither Archers

Mortified Withers

Soul Withers

Wither Brutes

Blood Wither

Defiant Witches

Scorched Phantom



Wither Ghast

Despair Witch


- Download McPack
- Use the Minecraft 1.15, 1.14, 1.16
- Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
- Select new textures in the settings;
- Switch on the experimental mod;
- Done.

nethervariantsbp.mcpack [383.45 Kb] (downloads: 47)
nethervariantsrp.mcpack [59.8 Kb] (downloads: 46)

nethervariantsbp_new.mcpack [683.58 Kb] (downloads: 61)
nethervariantsrp_new.mcpack [106.93 Kb] (downloads: 71)

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