Dynamic Lighting Plus Minecraft PE Addon/Mod 1.16
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Dynamic Lighting Plus Addon/Mod 1.16

Mods / Mods 1.16

Dynamic Lighting Plus is a very useful and famous addition to realistic lighting of torches and other light sources in Minecraft Bedrock.

How it works? Now you can hold the torch in your hand and it will begin to illuminate everything around the player, previously there was a need to install the torch on the ground or any other block. It works more realistically now. Also, other light sources simply illuminate everything around them. Dynamic lighting supports even glowing mobs and many other decorations. Decorate your home, base or use it for other needs with such scrolls.


— Download McPack
— Use the Minecraft 1.16
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Switch on the experimental mod;
— Done.

dynamic-lighting.mcpack [521.63 Kb] (downloads: 1200)

dynamic-lighting-plus-1_0_1.mcpack [521.75 Kb] (downloads: 481)
dynamic-lighting-plus-1_0_1.zip [521.75 Kb] (downloads: 153)

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