The Mining Driller 9000 Minecraft Addon
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The Mining Driller 9000 Addon

Mods / Mods 1.16

The Mining Driller 9000 Addon a huge machine for mining ores and diamonds in Minecraft. Tired of mining ore in mines for a long time? Then use The Mining Driller 9000. This is a machine with a large drill that quickly and efficiently extracts diamonds, emeralds and any other ores in the mines.

— Download Mod
— Use the Minecraft
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Switch on the experimental mod;
— Done.

the-mining-driller-9000-b.mcpack [472.74 Kb] (downloads: 182)
the-mining-driller-9000-r.mcpack [642.26 Kb] (downloads: 117)

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