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Minecraft Menagerie Addon/Mod

Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.14

Minecraft Menagerie - modifies existing mobs, turns them into more realistic animals. If you lack realism in nature and survival then this supplement will be definitely interesting.

Download Minecraft Menageri for free at the link below. And I suggest looking at how they become looking by looking at the screenshots under the description. New animals and mobs will look more realistic, and their behavior will also be improved. I try and update the site every day, check back often and do not miss the release of new additions. They help make the game world a better place.

- Download McPack
- Use the Minecraft 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
- Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
- Select new textures in the settings;
- Done.

menagerie-b.mcpack [193.92 Kb] (downloads: 226)
menagerie-r.mcpack [764.5 Kb] (downloads: 172)

menagerie-v1_1_02.mcaddon [2.32 Mb] (downloads: 175)
menagerie-r1_1_0.mcpack [1.41 Mb] (downloads: 76)

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