Tree Capitator (Lumberjack) Minecraft Addon
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Tree Capitator (Lumberjack) Addon

Mods 1.17 / Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.13.1 / Mods 1.12.0 / Mods 1.11.0 / Mods 1.10 / Mods 1.9 / RTX

Tree Capitator (Lumberjack) – The well-known and popular mod for quick tree felling in Minecraft on Android.

Addon is suitable for all who are tired of a long and tedious chopping trees. Previously, it was necessary to cut down each block with an ax, and now it will be enough to cut down one block and the whole trunk will fall to the ground. You just have to collect the fallen blocks of the tree. On screenshots, I will show how the modification works. I am sure this addition will be useful in survival mode.



Video review

You can download the free addon to the mobile android from my site. I try for you and post daily articles with mods, textures and maps.

- Download McPack
- Use the Minecraft PE version 1.9.0+
- Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
- Select new textures in the settings;
- Switch on the experimental mod;
- Done.

treecapitator.rar [103.7 Kb] (downloads: 1024)

treecapitator-1_16.mcpack [104.37 Kb] (downloads: 1693)

treecapitator-keyyard.mcpack [362.03 Kb] (downloads: 784)

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Comments (2)

  1. {text}ta faltando um mod de mochila bem daoha 
    Maikon Maikon 21 July 2021 07:56 Reply
  2. that makes no sense

    Rebecca Rebecca 26 October 2021 15:44 Reply

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