X-Ray Texture Pack Minecraft Addon
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X-Ray Texture Pack Addon

Mods 1.19 / Mods 1.18 / Mods 1.17 / Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.13.1 / Mods 1.12.0 / Mods 1.11.0 / Mods 1.10 / Textures / RTX

X-Ray Texture Pack – Nether Update! is an excellent and popular cheat add-on for the easy search for diamonds and ores in the Minecraft game.

The mod will add a special X-Ray texture. With it, Steve will have real x-ray vision. Now you can see through blocks, caves and land. Just use the X-ray addon, the texture is easy to install, configure and use.

How to install and use X-Ray?
Set the cheat as a regular texture. Then click on the small gear and select the mod’s settings. Do it on your own, as you wish.

See examples of work and settings below in the screenshots.

x-ray-1_18.mcpack [270.7 Kb] (downloads: 1716)

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Comments (5)

  1. (Ok) you so good nice
    RazzanGaming224 RazzanGaming224 12 October 2020 21:55 Reply
  2. no bad x-ray is bad

    shriek750 shriek750 24 November 2020 18:00 Reply
  3. This mod help me find diamonds

    Dode lol Dode lol 19 March 2021 10:20 Reply
  4. Huh? Imagine hacking
    UFon😩 UFon😩 11 February 2022 08:41 Reply
  5. good yummy cahm
    yes yes 27 February 2022 13:53 Reply

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