Simple Health Bar/Health Indicator (HP-Bar) Minecraft Addon
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Simple Health Bar/Health Indicator (HP-Bar) Addon

Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19

Simple Health Bar/Health Indicator (HP-Bar) Mod useful in survival or PVP, there are several addon options with different Health Bar in Minecraft.

— Download McPack
— Use the Minecraft
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Done. [71.43 Kb] (downloads: 54)
simplehp.mcpack [124.97 Kb] (downloads: 112)
simplehpstyletwo.mcpack [135.58 Kb] (downloads: 35)
simplehpstyletext.mcpack [116.33 Kb] (downloads: 29)
simplehpex.mcpack [244.03 Kb] (downloads: 34)
simplehpstyletextex.mcpack [235.48 Kb] (downloads: 24)
simplehpstyletwoex.mcpack [255.75 Kb] (downloads: 40)

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