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Chisel for Bedrock Edition Addon

Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 / Mods 1.18 / Mods 1.17 / Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.15 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.13.1 / Mods 1.12.0

Chisel Mod is a popular decorative mod for creating beautiful and diverse blocks with a chisel in Minecraft Bedrock.

Currently, this addon adds 2000+ new blocks to the mobile game. Now the player will have a huge selection and variety for the decoration and decoration of his own home and the game world as a whole.

See in a large number of photos how the new blocks look in Minecraft PE.


Blocks working with the Chisel mod:
- Cobblestone
- Granite
- Chisel Basalt
- Nether Update Basalt
- All wood planks
- Paper Block
- Warped and Crimson Planks
- Dirt
- Brick
- Emerald
- Lapis
- Packed Ice
- Stone
- Diorite
- Andesite
- All concrete colors
- Marble
- Endstone
- PurPur
- Prismarine
- Glowstone (yes it still gives off light!)
- Obsidian
- Limestone
- Quartz
- Diamond
- Laboratory Block
- Iron
- Gold
- Honeycomb
- Red and Yellow Sandstone
- Redstone
- Red and Normal NetherBrick
- Netherrack
- Terracotta (Just the basic block no colors)
- Factory Block
- Lava Cobble
- Magma Blocks
- Coal and Charcoal


- Download McPack
- Use the Minecraft PE version 1.12+
- Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
- Select new textures in the settings;
- Switch on the experimental mod;
- Done.

chiselbedrockv2-0.mcaddon [5.85 Mb] (downloads: 115)

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Comments (2)

  1. about Wedding Gowns (bobakiosk.com) I really like reading through an article that can make men and women think. Also, many thanks for allowing for me to comment!
    Ronnie Ronnie 12 June 2021 13:56 Reply
  2. This is a good mod, but in future updates I would like to see ALL Nether update blocks; Shroomlight, Netherite, etc. I would also like to see the caves and cliffs blocks; Amythyst, Moss, Azalea Dirt, etc. included in future updates. If you can do this I would appreciate it a lot. Btw, Can you also give every block in the current period their own special design like you did with the diamond and iron blocks? Thanks!👍🏿😅
    Flame_Afton Flame_Afton 16 July 2022 12:31 Reply

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