Keys & Crates Minecraft Addon
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Keys & Crates Addon

Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19

Keys & Crates Addon Treasure boxes, you can find them during your travels. To open, use special keys.

— Download McPack
— Use the Minecraft
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Done.

keys-crates-v1_9_0-server.mcaddon [1.07 Mb] (downloads: 3)
keys-crates-v1_9_0-behavior.mcpack [597.49 Kb] (downloads: 3)
keys-crates-v1_9_0-resource.mcpack [466.5 Kb] (downloads: 2)

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Comments (3)

  1. Keys & Crates Addon
    Supunkumara222 Supunkumara222 16 September 2022 12:20 Reply
  2. Can you open up the wooden crates? If so, how
    Grahamhh2 Grahamhh2 6 July 2023 09:02 Reply
  3. Can you open up the wooden crates? If so, how
    Grahamhh2 Grahamhh2 6 July 2023 09:04 Reply

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