Utility HUD - Minecraft Texture Pack / Addon
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Utility HUD - Texture Pack / Addon

Mods 1.21 / Mods 1.20 / Mods 1.19 / Mods 1.18 / Mods 1.17 / Mods 1.16 / Textures

Utility HUD Minecraft mod will change the textures so that you have all the necessary HUD information about your target in the game.

How to install?
- Download resource pack;
- Run and open the .mcpack file in the game;
- Select a texture in the menu;
- Enjoy!

utility_hud_no-subpacks_by_ambient.zip [57.46 Kb] (downloads: 3)
utility_hud_by_ambient.zip [111.24 Kb] (downloads: 1)
utility_hud_by_ambient.mcpack [111.24 Kb] (downloads: 13)

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