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Disguise Function Pack - Addon/Mod 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.11, 1.10, 1.9, RTX

Mods 1.12.0 / Mods 1.11.0 / Mods 1.10 / Mods 1.9 / Mods 1.16 / Mods 1.13.1 / Mods 1.14 / Mods 1.15 / RTX

Disguise Function Pask - Mega cool and popular mad for turning Steve into a mob, monster or object. This way you can disguise yourself.

This is a pretty simple functional package, write a few commands and you can change Steve's appearance. Disguise yourself, transform into a creeper, another mob or even an arrow or chest. Other players will not even suspect that this is not a chest, but the player is sitting in ambush. See the screenshots for how it works.

/function dg/setup” или “/function disguise/setup
/function disguise
/function dg/(Mob you wanna be)

disguise-v1_3_0.mcpack [92.39 Kb] (downloads: 476)

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