Tag Multiplayer Minecraft PE Addon/Mod 1.16
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Tag Multiplayer Addon/Mod 1.16

Mods / Mods 1.16

Tag Multiplayer (Dream & George Ultimate Tag Recreation) - mod adds several commands for teleportation and playing cool games like tag in Minecraft PE.

These will be the options and commands of the tags. If you want to play pets, then download this add-on. The essence of this game is to catch up with another player while he is running away. I think everyone played it in childhood. Watch the video how it works.

/function cmd/enable_tagger_message - includes messages.
/function cmd/teleport_random_locations - teleports the player to a random place in the game world.
/function cmd/enable_infection_mode - infectious game mode.
/function cmd/enable_default_mode - turns on the standard game mode.
/function cmd/disable_tagger_message - disable tagger messages in chat.
/function cmd/reset_leaderboard - the leaderboard is displayed on the sidebar.
/function start_tag - teleports and starts the game of tagging
/function cmd/start_game_here - starts the game from your very beginning.


— Download McPack
— Use the Minecraft
— Install McAddon or McPack files, just open it for this;
— Select new textures in the settings;
— Switch on the experimental mod;
— Done.

tag-multiplayer-r1_0.mcpack [100.3 Kb] (downloads: 150)

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